Industry news

Current situation of cleaning industry in China

As a basic activity in people's daily life, cleaning has become accustomed to it, and it is so common that no one takes it seriously. Before the 1980s in our country, there was no concept of cleaning industry. However, in recent years, with the rapid economic development and the improvement of people's living standards. Cleaning is also attracting more and more attention. On the one hand, after the 1990s, with economic development and social progress, the scope of cleaning activities has gradually expanded, and a large number of professional cleaning companies have emerged. Especially in recent years. A large number of laid-off workers participate in activities in this field, and various cleaning companies spread all over the country. They are usually engaged in both general industrial cleaning and civil cleaning. According to incomplete statistics, currently. There are already more than 3,000 cleaning companies in the country with more than 300,000 employees.
On the other hand, new factories and production lines are being built everywhere in our country. Is gradually becoming the "world processing factory." Huge market demand. It provides a good opportunity for rapid development for industrial cleaning equipment manufacturers and professional cleaning agent production suppliers.
     Currently. There are more than 1,000 companies manufacturing and operating various cleaning equipment, including ultrasonic cleaning machines, spray cleaning: all-pneumatic steel mesh cleaners, all-pneumatic wire mesh cleaners, automatic PCBA online cleaning machines, and automatic PCBA offline cleaning machines. Series of automatic cleaning equipment such as type cleaning machine, automatic jig cleaning machine, automatic water-based screen cleaning machine, camera module cleaning machine, COD module cleaning machine, etc.; cleaning fields: SMT, PCB, camera Modules, aviation, aerospace, medical, automotive electronics, optical glass, precision hardware, flexible PCBs, module PCBs, motherboard PCBs, synthetic stone fixtures; wave soldering/reflow soldering titanium claws, filters, etc., thus forming a huge industry.
     The concept of cleaning industry first appeared in 1992 by the former State Environmental Protection Administration (now State Environmental Protection Administration) organized by Peking University and other units. And was approved by the State Council "China's National Plan for Phase-out of Ozone Depleting Substances). According to the division of labor of the State Council. The cleaning industry was in ge of the former Ministry of Electronics Industry (now the Ministry of Information Industry). Since 1992. Some are engaged in cleaning equipment. Enterprises, institutions and individuals engaged in the production, application and research of cleaning agents, cleaning technology, began to initiate preparations for the establishment of a national cleaning industry organization. On May 17, 1994, China Cleaning Engineering Technology Cooperation Association was officially approved by the state and registered with the Ministry of Civil Affairs. Over the years, my country's cleaning industry has undergone earth-shaking changes. The member units of the cleaning association have also developed from the initial precision industrial cleaning field to now spreading across the country's civil cleaning and industrial cleaning fields. Some well-known international companies have also actively applied to join the China Cleaning Engineering Technology Cooperation Association. Currently. The Cleaning Association is the only national first-level industry association in China's cleaning industry. Has a broad representation.
1. Civil cleaning field
       Since ancient times. Human beings understand and some cleaning knowledge related to themselves. In ancient times, in addition to using clean water to remove the mud and sand attached to the body and clothing, people also knew to use plant ash to remove oily dirt on clothing. Soda ash and soap are the oldest and most common cleaning products that are still used in large quantities by humans. In the 20th century, with the development of the chemical industry, especially the petroleum industry, synthetic detergents, and subsequent washing equipment, greatly changed people's daily lives.
People over 40 may still remember before the 1980s. Everyone can buy two pieces of "Qingsong" or "Lighthouse" soap with a monthly ticket. That's almost all your cleaning agent every month. Use it for laundry. Use it for shampooing and bathing. Since the reform and opening up, China's civil cleaning field has undergone earth-shaking changes. From the early "Winabao" to today's "Head & Shoulders" and "Rejoice", there are a wide range of shampoos, and all kinds of detergent advertisements are flooding the golden band of TV, and now few people may use them anymore. The soap used to wash my hair. A wide range of cleaning agents are also placed in the kitchen of each family, and various special cleaning agents such as "glass water" and "tile spirit". "Go Oil King" and many others enter the market. At the same time, specialized and large-scale washing companies spread all over the streets. Professional household cleaning, large and small. A large number of cleaning companies have appeared, and the field of civilian cleaning has been commercialized. The situation of professional operation. With the continuous rapid development of our national economy. People put forward higher requirements for the quality of daily life, and the demand for various cleaning is increasing. Civil cleaning has formed a huge market. At present, civil cleaning includes the following major areas:
(1) Household washing products: shampoo, conditioner, body wash for personal washing. Toothpaste; soap for laundry, washing powder, liquid detergent: tableware. Fruit and vegetable detergent; bathroom bathtub. Special cleaning agent for toilet, special cleaning agent for floor and carpet; glass cleaning agent; tile cleaning agent, etc.
(2) Home cleaning services: various door-to-door cleaning services provided for families, such as new house wasteland cleaning; wall painting cleaning; kitchen and range hood cleaning; bathroom cleaning; floor, carpet cleaning; sofa, table and chair furniture cleaning; refrigerator ,air conditioning. Drinking fountain. TV. Cleaning of household appliances such as stereos, microwave ovens, etc.
(3) Hotel, hotel, catering service industry cleaning: such as daily cleaning of hotel rooms; bed sheets. Quilt. pillowcase. Tea set and other room supplies cleaning; restaurant tableware. Kitchenware cleaning; vegetables. Cleaning of food raw materials, etc.
(4) School and unit collective canteen cleaning: public utensils. Kitchenware cleaning: cleaning during food processing, etc.
{5) Special cleaning in hospitals: surgical instruments. Disinfection and cleaning of hospital supplies such as nursing tools; cleaning of supplies in inpatient wards.
(6)Professional laundry cleaning: professional laundry chains, such as Beijing's time-honored "Plant", provide dry cleaning of clothes. Wet cleaning service.
(7) Personal cleaning service: sauna bath, hair washing. Wash your face. Wash your teeth. Personal cleaning services such as foot washing.
(8) Civil cleaning equipment: washing machine. Dishwasher, vacuum cleaner, electric toothbrush, etc. High-tech equipment such as automatic bathing machines and household cleaning robots have also appeared abroad.
2. Industrial cleaning
Industrial cleaning is closely related to various industrial activities, and some are an integral part of the product production process. Cleaning does not provide the final product. It is a partial process in many industrial production processes. Process or auxiliary activities. In some traditional industries. Cleaning has been regarded as a simple process or common sense. Often not taken seriously by people. But the cleaning quality determines the performance and quality of the final product. Especially in today's high-tech industries, the role of cleaning technology is particularly prominent.
(1) General industrial cleaning
General industrial cleaning. Such as boilers. pipeline. Petrochemical equipment, etc. usually use acid. Alkali and some active substances are used as cleaning agents. Similar to civilian cleaning. It is usually based on that the human eye cannot see the dirt as the standard. Such as cars. Cleaning the walls of buildings on the surface of trains, airplanes, ships, etc. Cleaning of doors, windows, glass, etc.; oil pipelines. Oil transportation, storage tanks, equipment pipelines, boilers, central air conditioning. Equipment maintenance, cleaning, etc. The acteristic is that after cleaning, it can significantly improve the look and feel, improve the grade, and improve and restore the performance of the equipment. Generally, complex equipment and technology are not required. No need for high-purity cleaning agents, no clean environment. Usually use ordinary water, acid. Alkali and heating. High pressure water, high pressure air. Physical and chemical methods such as brushing and friction complete the cleaning process. Many are manual operations. The labor intensity is high, the danger is high, and the technical content is low. It is a rough and low value-added labor that ordinary people can do.
The cleaning equipment used in general industrial cleaning mainly includes high-pressure water jet device, automatic car washing device, and high-rise exterior wall cleaning device.
(2) Precision industrial cleaning
In many processing industries, some intermediate processes need to be cleaned first before the next process can be carried out, and some final products need to be cleaned again. Such as metal, plastic parts, glass electroplating, spray paint. Before vacuum coating, precise cleaning is required. To remove oil and ash; cotton cloth in the textile industry. wool. silk. Refining and cleaning of flax, etc.; degreasing and deinking cleaning in the paper industry. Precision industrial cleaning is directly related to product quality and performance. If the residual dirt is greater than the requirement, bubbles will appear. peeling. Defects and other issues. Generally, special cleaning equipment and processes are required. There are certain requirements for the purity of the cleaning agent, and the water must be purified. Some working environment requires to be carried out in a clean room. Due to different industries. The cleaning technology and equipment used in the production process of different products are very different, even for similar products and enterprises of different sizes. Different investment levels. The cleaning process and cleaning equipment are also very different. For the same metal parts processing company, the one with large investment may adopt a fully automatic flow-through washing line; while the one with small investment may use manual washing, first using diesel oil to remove oil and metal chips, and then using solvent deoiling and fine washing; The automatic cleaning device may cost tens of millions or even hundreds of millions. A company with a small investment may just spend tens of thousands of yuan to buy a single-tank or multi-tank washing machine, and some even have several pots. The mainstream technology commonly used in the field of precision industrial cleaning is ultrasonic. Combination of steam washing (heating) and spraying. The use of water washing process, to increase the drying process and auxiliary pure water preparation and sewage treatment using solvent cleaning agents. Need to increase solvent recovery and regeneration stations; solvents with relatively low boiling points. Condensation and sealing devices should be added; when solvents with high boiling points are used, drying equipment should be added; and when solvents with flash points are used, explosion-proof measures should be added.
In recent years, some new cleaning technologies and equipment have been gradually developed and applied, such as vacuum cleaning, plasma cleaning, ultraviolet/odor hydrogen cleaning, and laser cleaning. Dry ice cleaning has emerged, showing good results and application prospects. At the same time, with the improvement of the overall level of industry. No-clean technology has also begun to be promoted, especially in the electronics industry and precision machining fields. Clean packaging technology can make components. Silicon wafers can be used "out of the box"; the development of solid fluxes has made the circuit board no-clean technology increasingly popular; some precision metal processing uses no residual stamping or drawing oil. Combined with the next blackening process, the processing oil is directly heated and volatilized to achieve no-cleaning. It has been used in the production process of color picture tube shadow masks. Cleaning equipment, cleaning agent and cleaning technology required for precision industrial cleaning. At present, it is basically possible to base itself in China. Shenzhen United Environmental Protection Equipment Co., Ltd. and other professional cleaning equipment production units have won multiple international public bids and mass-produced single-machine automatic and complete sets of large-scale cleaning equipment. After acceptance by domestic and international experts, they can fully meet the needs of my country's cleaning industry.
(3) Ultra-precision industrial cleaning (spray technology, two-fluid cleaning technology, etc.)
At present, microelectronics technology has developed to the level of nanotechnology, and a 90-nanometer production line is already under construction. Wavelength division multiplexed optoelectronic devices (DWDM), which are widely used in communication equipment, have a resolution to accurately separate and identify light of different wavelengths. The cleaning of this kind of products should be nearly perfect, and the diameter of residual dirt should be about 0.1nm. Ordinary electron microscope has been difficult to observe. Ultra-precision industrial cleaning must be carried out in a super-purified environment, requiring the use of ultra-high-purity cleaning agents and DI water (deionized water), as well as advanced cleaning devices. Except for some simple equipment, no company in our country can provide this kind of technology and equipment before and basically rely on imports. At present, China has replaced it with a professional cleaning equipment company similar to ZKSMC, and it has developed to now very mature!